
Summer 2024 Unlimited Class Pass

Spend your summer with Phoenix Elite All-Stars.

$185 per student gives you access to all our summer programs June-July.

Only 50 Passes available so grab yours ASAP!

All Classes are blocked by age groups, simply purchase your unlimited pass and you will be emailed to confirm which classes you’d like to be enrolled in.

Here are the upcoming schedules for JUNE & JULY 2024

Summer Class Pass Schedule for JUNE

July Summer Class Pass Schedule

Cheer 101

Frequently Asked Questions About Cheer

What is the difference between School Cheer and All-Star Cheer?

When we talk about School cheerleading you think about athletes who are fostering school spirit. They’re trying to give the football team, basketball team, baseball team home field or home court advantage Every time that they are there. They’re trying to make sure the crowd gets loud, people are giving high-fives and it’s all about those Friday Night Lights. So when we compare that to all-star cheerleading, All-Star Cheerleaders don’t actually cheer at games they’re the ones out there competing for the trophy so they spend most of their hours in the gym trying to train and get better at all their skills so they can go out in front of judges get critiqued and hopefully win that award. The next difference we see between school cheer and All-Star Cheerleading is how the teams are actually broken up. So teams are broken up usually between age, skill level and community and we’ll explain all those right now. When we talk about age and high school cheerleaders we have the freshmen who are usually all pretty close in age then we have JV who are usually made up of our sophomores maybe some juniors and then Varsity which is typically made up of juniors and seniors now when we compare that to All-Star cheerleading the age groups are a little bit wider we actually have five dates groupings and it’s not surprising at all to see a ten-year-old on the same team as a 14-year old let’s say in the Junior Division. Another big difference between school cheer and in all-star cheer is where the athletes come from, now this might seem really obvious if you’re a high school cheerleader so if you go to Mt. Whitney then you’re gonna be a Mt. Whitney Cheerleader, you go to CVC you’re gonna be a CVC Cheerleader but at Phoenix Elite All-Stars our athletes come from everywhere some from Visalia, Tulare, Pixley, Lemoore, Exeter, etc.

If you have any questions of your own go ahead and send us an e-mail.

What age can my child start cheerleading?

Here are Phoenix Elite All-Stars we start as young as 4 years old. Four year olds can join our 6 week mini teams called Cheer FUNdamentals. The learn a short routine consisting of jumps, stunts, tumbling and dance and preform it for their families at the end of the 6 weeks.

The next step up is for ages 6-9 years old. This age group can join our Mini Division Team called the FireStarters. This is a half year team that only meets once a week and does 2 competitions with-in California.

Then we have our Junior Division for ages 9-15 years old. This is our Flamez team, which goes on 11 months and competes 3-4 times with-in California.

Last we have Blaze which is our Senior Division for ages 12-18 years old. This is a full year team that competes 3-5 times with-in California & sometimes Las Vegas, Nevada.

Summer NERF Night PASS

Your Summer Pass Covers ALL our NERF Nights June-August.

Various Summer Dates June-August of NERF Nights – 2 Hours of fun filled NERF Games, includes dinner and a drink.
OPEN to ages 7-13

Dates: 6/23/2023, 7/7/2023, 7/28/2023, 8/4/2023 & 8/11/2023

  • Bring your own NERF Gun.
  • We provide darts & safety glasses.
  • Players will be divided into teams.
  • Pizza, Water & Juice will be provided.